I am a first-year CS PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Prof. Joseph Gonzalez. My research interests are in the field of Machine Learning (ML) generally, with a focus on improving usability and efficiency through Systems for ML. I am supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Previously, I graduated with a BS from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where I majored in Computer Science with an additional major in Mathematical Statistics. At CMU, I worked in the Catalyst Lab under the supervision of Prof. Zhihao Jia and in the Interactive Structures Lab under the supervision of Prof. Alexandra Ion. I have also worked on research under the supervision of Prof. Qiaozhu Mei at the University of Michigan.
In high school (at Greenhills School) I was active in math and robotics competitions. I qualified for the USAJMO in 2016 and the USAMO in 2019. I also served as programming team lead for the robotics team (FRC Team #5530 - The Greenhills Lawnmowers), which qualified for the FIRST World Championships in 2019.